What do proceeds of sales go toward?
Nominal proceeds from the sale of these items that don’t go to pay for our costs to produce and ship your item will go to ensuring The Sumter Item can continue to operate and pay its journalists and staff amid a time of uncertainty and strife for newspapers around the country. With advertising decreasing and operating costs, such as the price of paper, continuing to rise, more than 2,900 newspapers have closed since 2005. The Sumter Item is the only remaining source of daily local news in its coverage area. This store is a way to both support quality local journalism and show pride for the Sumter community.

How long does shipping take?
Most products ship in 5-7 days.

Can I stop by the Item office to pick up my items?
The Sumter Item does not bulk order any of our products. We have set up this store to print on demand to help ensure no products go to waste. When you order an item, our vendor will create the item and ship it to you directly, which will help eliminate potential waste and extra shipping costs and time.